We will be moving to the Biozentrum at the University of Basel, Switzerland. The Biozentrum is one of the leading Life Sciences institutes in the world. Founded in 1971, it has been the birth place of many fundamental discoveries in biology and medicine (e.g. homeobox; TOR kinase) and spawned several Nobel Laureates. The Biozentrum currently consists of 30 groups that study how molecules and cells create life, spanning the scale from atom to organism. English is the working language.
Basel is a cosmopolitan city ranked world-wide in the top 10 for quality of life. It has been home to Paracelsus, Bernoulli, Euler, Nietzsche, Jung, Hofmann, Arber and Federer, and is now the center for the Life Sciences in continental Europe, with institutes such as the Biozentrum, FMI and D-BSSE, and the headquarters of Novartis, Roche and Actelion.
In 2019/2020 the Biozentrum will get a new home and move into a stunning new building (see image). Currently all of our research continues to take place at Harvard. The first cohort of lab members will move when our lab and fish facility in Basel are fully functional. Please contact Alex if you are interested in joining us (alex.schier@unibas.ch).