Recent Publications
For full list, see Pubmed
BioRxiv Papers
The mechanosensory DEG/ENaC channel DEGT-1 is a proprioceptor of C. elegans foregut movement
Bayer EA, Mango SE, Hobert O, Schier AF
January 2025Whole-embryo Spatial Transcriptomics at Subcellular Resolution from Gastrulation to Organogenesis
Wan Y, El Kholtei J, Jenie I, Colomer-Rosell M, Liu J, Navajas Acedo J, Du LY, Codina-Tobias M, Wang M, Sawh A, Lin E, Chuang T, Mango SE,Yu G, Bintu B, Schier AF
August 2024Dissecting the regulatory logic of specification and differentiation during vertebrate embryogenesis
Liu J, Castillo-Hair SM, Du LY, Wang Y, Carte AN, Colomer-Rosell M, Yin C, Seelig G, Schier AF
August 2024Widespread temporal niche partitioning in an adaptive radiation of cichlid fishes
Nichols ALA+, Shafer MER+*, Indermaur A, Rüegg A, Gonzalez-Dominguez R, Malinsky M, Sommer-Trembo C, Fritschi L, Salzburger W, Schier AF
June 2024 +equal contribution, *correspondingOptogenetic control of Nodal signaling patterns
McNamara HM, Jia BZ, Guyer A, Parot VJ, Dobbs C, Schier AF, Cohen AE, Lord ND
April 2024Frequent transitions from night-to-day activity after mass extinctions.
Shafer MER, Nichols ALA, Schier AF, Salzburger W
November 2023
Peer reviewed Papers
The regulatory landscape of 5′ UTRs in translational control during zebrafish embryogenesis
Reimão-Pinto MM, Castillo-Hair SM, Seelig G, Schier AF. Dev. Cell. January 2025 (BioRxiv November 2023)
Gene module reconstruction elucidates cellular differentiation processes and the regulatory logic of specialized secretion
Wang Y, Liu J, Du LY, Wyss JL, Farrell JA, Schier AF. Dev. Cell. Novemeber 2024 (BioRxiv December 2023)The lives of cells, recorded
Askary A+, Chen W+, Choi J+, Du LY+, Elowitz MB, Gagnon JA, Schier AF, Seidel S+, Shendure J, Stadler T, Tran M+. Nat Rev Genet November 2024. +equal contributionThe dynamics and functional impact of tRNA repertoires during early embryogenesis in zebrafish
Reimão-Pinto MM, Behrens A, Forcelloni S, Fröhlich K, Kaya S, Nedialkova DD. EMBO J. October 2024Complete persistence of the primary somatosensory system in zebrafish
Navajas Acedo J. Dev. Biol. July 2024 (BioRxiv December 2023)The evolution of developmental biology through conceptual and technological revolutions.
Liberali P, Schier AF. Cell. June 2024Axis formation in annual killifish: Nodal coordinates morphogenesis in absence of Huluwa prepatterning.
Abitua PB, Stump L, Aksel DC, Schier AF. Science. June 2024. (BioRxiv April 2021)A vertebrate family without a functional Hypocretin/Orexin arousal system.
Bitsikas V, Cubizolles F, Schier AF. Current Biology. March 2024A single-cell time-lapse of mouse prenatal development from gastrula to birth.
Qiu C, Martin BK, Welsh IC, Daza RM, Le T, Huang X, Nichols EK, Taylor ML, Fulton O, O’Day DR, Gomes AR, Ilcisin S, Srivatsan S, Deng X, Disteche CM, Noble WS, Hamazaki N, Moens CB, Kimelman D, Cao J, Schier AF, Spielmann M, Murray SA, Trapnell C, Shendure J
Feb 2024 (BioRxiv April 2023)Regulation of Vg1 biogenesis during mesendoderm induction.
Dingal PCDP, Carte AN, Montague TG, Suan Jr MEL, Schier AF. PNAS October 2023Basic science under threat: Lessons from the Skirball Institute.
Sfeir A, Fishell G, Schier AF, Dustin ML, Gan WB, Joyner A, Lehmann R, Ron D, Roth D, Talbot WS, Yelon D, Zychlinsky A.
Cell. 2022 MarGene family evolution underlies cell-type diversification in the hypothalamus of teleosts.
Shafer MER, Sawh AN, Schier AF.
Nat Ecol Evol. 2022 JanThe pattern of nodal morphogen signaling is shaped by co-receptor expression.
Lord ND, Carte AN, Abitua PB, Schier AF.
Elife. 2021 MayEmergence of Neuronal Diversity during Vertebrate Brain Development.
Raj B, Farrell JA, Liu J, El Kholtei J, Carte AN, Navajas Acedo J, Du LY, McKenna A, Relić Đ, Leslie JM, Schier AF.
Neuron. 2020 DecCerebellar Neurodynamics Predict Decision Timing and Outcome on the Single-Trial Level
Lin Q, Manley J, Helmreich M, Schlumm F, Li JM, Robson DN, Engert F, Schier AF, Nöbauer T, Vaziri A
Cell. 2020 Feb 6Single-cell Biology: Beyond the Sum of Its Parts
Schier AF.
Nature Methods. 2020 Jan 6Zebrafish dscaml1 Deficiency Impairs Retinal Patterning and Oculomotor Function
Ma M, Ramirez AD, Wang T, Roberts RL, Harmon KE, Schoppik D, Sharma A, Kuang C, Goei SL, Gagnon JA, Zimmerman S, Tsai SQ, Reyon D, Joung JK, Aksay ERF, Schier AF, Pan YA
J Neuroscience. 2020 Jan 2
Convergent Temperature Representations in Artificial and Biological Neural Networks.
Haesemeyer M, Schier AF, Engert F.
Neuron. 2019 Sep 25Zebrafish oxytocin neurons drive nocifensive behavior via brainstem premotor targets.
Wee CL, Nikitchenko M, Wang WC, Luks-Morgan SJ, Song E, Gagnon JA, Randlett O, Bianco IH, Lacoste AMB, Glushenkova E, Barrios JP, Schier AF, Kunes S, Engert F, Douglass AD.
Nat Neurosci. 2019 SepDistributed Plasticity Drives Visual Habituation Learning in Larval Zebrafish.
Randlett O, Haesemeyer M, Forkin G, Shoenhard H, Schier AF, Engert F, Granato M.
Curr Biol. 2019 Apr 22Phenotypic Landscape of Schizophrenia-Associated Genes Defines Candidates and Their Shared Functions.
Thyme SB, Pieper LM, Li EH, Pandey S, Wang Y, Morris NS, Sha C, Choi JW, Herrera KJ, Soucy ER, Zimmerman S, Randlett O, Greenwood J, McCarroll SA, Schier AF.
Cell. 2019 Apr 4Individual long non-coding RNAs have no overt functions in zebrafish embryogenesis, viability and fertility.
Goudarzi M, Berg K, Pieper LM, Schier AF.
Elife. 2019 Jan 8
Conserved regulation of Nodal-mediated left-right patterning in zebrafish and mouse
Montague TG, Gagnon JA, Schier AF.
Development 2018 Dec 10
Large-scale reconstruction of cell lineages using single-cell readout of transcriptomes and CRISPR-Cas9 barcodes by scGESTALT.
Raj B, Gagnon JA, Schier AF.
Nat Protoc. 2018 Oct 23A Brain-wide Circuit Model of Heat-Evoked Swimming Behavior in Larval Zebrafish.
Haesemeyer M, Robson DN, Li JM, Schier AF, Engert F.
Neuron. 2018 May 16Single-cell reconstruction of developmental trajectories during zebrafish embryogenesis.
Farrell JA, Wang Y, Riesenfeld SJ, Shekhar K, Regev A, Schier AF.
Science. 2018 Apr 26Simultaneous single-cell profiling of lineages and cell types in the vertebrate brain
Raj B, Wagner DE, McKenna A, Pandey S, Klein AM, Shendure J, Gagnon JA, Schier AF.
Nat Biotechnol. 2018 Mar 28Comprehensive Identification and Spatial Mapping of Habenular Neuronal Types Using Single-Cell RNA-Seq.
Pandey S, Shekhar K, Regev A, Schier AF.
Curr Biol. 2018 Mar 9A Massively Parallel Reporter Assay of 3' UTR Sequences Identifies In Vivo Rules for mRNA Degradation.
Rabani M, Pieper L, Chew GL, Schier AF.
Mol Cell. 2017 Dec 21Nodal patterning without Lefty inhibitory feedback is functional but fragile.
Rogers KW, Lord ND, Gagnon JA, Pauli A, Zimmerman S, Aksel DC, Reyon D, Tsai SQ, Joung JK, Schier AF.
Elife. 2017 Dec 7Zebrafish nanog is primarily required in extraembryonic tissue.
Gagnon JA, Obbad K, Schier AF.
Development. 2017 Nov 27. pii: dev.147793. doi: 10.1242/dev.147793. [Epub ahead of print]Vg1-Nodal heterodimers are the endogenous inducers of mesendoderm.
Montague TG, Schier AF.
Elife. 2017 Nov 15Toddler signaling regulates mesodermal cell migration downstream of Nodal signaling.
Norris ML, Pauli A, Gagnon JA, Lord ND, Rogers KW, Mosimann C, Zon LI, Schier AF.
Elife. 2017 Nov 9Gaze-stabilizing central vestibular neurons project asymmetrically to extraocular motoneuron pools.
Schoppik D, Bianco IH, Prober DA, Douglass AD, Robson DN, Li JMB, Greenwood JSF, Soucy E, Engert F, Schier AF.
J Neurosci. 2017 Sep 29Internal guide RNA interactions interfere with Cas9-mediated cleavage.
Thyme SB, Akhmetova L, Montague TG, Valen E, Schier AF.
Nat Commun. 2016 Jun 10Whole organism lineage tracing by combinatorial and cumulative genome editing.
McKenna A, Findlay GM, Gagnon JA, Horwitz MS, Schier AF, Shendure J.
Science. 2016 May 26.Conservation of uORF repressiveness and sequence features in mouse, human and zebrafish.
Chew GL, Pauli A, Schier AF.
Nat Commun. 2016 May 24CHOPCHOP v2: a web tool for the next generation of CRISPR genome engineering.
Labun K, Montague TG, Gagnon JA, Thyme SB, Valen E.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 May 16Polq-Mediated End Joining Is Essential for Surviving DNA Double-Strand Breaks during EarlyZebrafish Development.
Thyme SB, Schier AF.
Cell Rep. 2016 Apr 13The structure and timescales of heat perception in larval zebrafish.
Haesemeyer M, Robson DN, Li JM, Schier AF, Engert F.
Cell Syst. 2015 Nov 25Whole-brain activity mapping onto a zebrafish brain atlas.
Randlett O, Wee CL, Naumann EA, Nnaemeka O, Schoppik D, Fitzgerald JE, Portugues R, Lacoste AM, Riegler C, Engert F, Schier AF.
Nat Methods. 2015 NovAntisense Oligonucleotide-Mediated Transcript Knockdown in Zebrafish.
Pauli A, Montague TG, Lennox KA, Behlke MA, Schier AF.
PLoS One. 2015 Oct 5A convergent and essential interneuron pathway for Mauthner-cell-mediated escapes.
Lacoste AM, Schoppik D, Robson DN, Haesemeyer M, Portugues R, Li JM, Randlett O, Wee CL, Engert F, Schier AF.
Curr Biol. 2015 May 6Efficient CRISPR-Cas9-mediated generation of knockin human pluripotent stem cells lacking undesired mutations at the targeted locus.
Merkle FT, Neuhausser WM, Santos D, Valen E, Gagnon JA, Maas K, Sandoe J, Schier AF, Eggan K.
Cell Rep. 2015 Apr 29Response to Nodal morphogen gradient is determined by the kinetics of target gene induction.
Dubrulle J, Jordan BM, Akhmetova L, Farrell JA, Kim SH, Solnica-Krezel L, Schier AF.
Elife. 2015 Apr 14Spatial reconstruction of single-cell gene expression data.
Satija R, Farrell JA, Gennert D, Schier AF, Regev A.
Nat Biotechnol. 2015 Apr 13Evolutionarily conserved regulation of hypocretin neuron specification by Lhx9.
Liu J, Merkle FT, Gandhi AV, Gagnon JA, Woods IG, Chiu CN, Shimogori T, Schier AF, Prober DA.
Development. 2015 Mar 15Vesicular stomatitis virus enables gene transfer and transsynaptic tracing in a wide range of organisms.
Mundell NA, Beier KT, Pan YA, Lapan SW, Göz Aytürk D, Berezovskii VK, Wark AR, Drokhlyansky E, Bielecki J, Born RT, Schier AF, Cepko CL.
J Comp Neurol. 2015 Feb 17Generation of neuropeptidergic hypothalamic neurons from human pluripotent stem cells.
Merkle FT, Maroof A, Wataya T, Sasai Y, Studer L, Eggan K, Schier AF.
Development. 2015 Feb 15Measuring protein stability in living zebrafish embryos using fluorescence decay after photoconversion (FDAP).
Rogers KW, Blässle A, Schier AF, Müller P.
J Vis Exp. 2015 Jan 28The study of psychiatric disease genes and drugs in zebrafish.
Haesemeyer M, Schier AF.
Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2015 FebHigh-resolution sequencing and modeling identifies distinct dynamic RNA regulatory strategies.
Rabani M, Raychowdhury R, Jovanovic M, Rooney M, Stumpo DJ, Pauli A, Hacohen N, Schier AF, Blackshear PJ, Friedman N, Amit I, Regev A.
Cell. 2014 Dec 18Identifying (non-)coding RNAs and small peptides: challenges and opportunities.
Pauli A, Valen E, Schier AF
Bioessays. 2015 JanObituary: Walter J. Gehring (1939-2014)
Schier AF
Development. 2014 SepNeuropeptidergic control of sleep and wakefulness.
Richter C, Woods IG, Schier AF
Annu Rev Neurosci. 2014 JulCHOPCHOP: a CRISPR/Cas9 and TALEN web tool for genome editing.
Montague TG, Cruz JM, Gagnon JA, Church GM, Valen E
Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 JulEfficient mutagenesis by Cas9 protein-mediated oligonucleotide insertion and large-scale assessment of single-guide RNAs.
Gagnon JA, Valen E, Thyme SB, Huang P, Ahkmetova L, Pauli A, Montague TG, Zimmerman S, Richter C, Schier AF
PLoS One. 2014 May 29Neuropeptidergic signaling partitions arousal behaviors in zebrafish.
Woods IG1, Schoppik D, Shi VJ, Zimmerman S, Coleman HA, Greenwood J, Soucy ER, Schier AF
J Neurosci. 2014 Feb 26Toddler: an embryonic signal that promotes cell movement via Apelin receptors.
Pauli A, Norris ML, Valen E, Chew GL, Gagnon JA, Zimmerman S, Mitchell A, Ma J, Dubrulle J, Reyon D, Tsai SQ, Joung JK, Saghatelian A, Schier AF
Science 2014 Feb 14Canonical nucleosome organization at promoters forms during genome activation.
Zhang Y, Vastenhouw NL, Feng J, Fu K, Wang C, Ge Y, Pauli A, van Hummelen P, Schier AF, Liu XS
Genome Res. 2014 FebShould I stay or should I go: neuromodulators of behavioral states.
Schier AF
Cell. 2013 AugZebrabow: Multispectral cell labeling for cell tracing and lineage analysis in zebrafish.
Pan YA, Freundlich T, Weissman TA, Schoppik D, Wang XC, Zimmerman S, Ciruna B, Sanes JR, Lichtman JW, Schier AF
Development. 2013 July
For full publication list see PubMed.